carrot mango smoothie

I am a huge fan of smoothies. I make one nearly every morning for my boys (I'm actually designing a space in my new kitchen just for the Vitamix...). There's just no better way to get a fantastic power punch of nutrients into them with such ease - spinach, carrots, avocado, oats. I'll try anything on them once. This is my go-to carrot recipe. It's fresh and energizing and a really nice way to start your day, or boost it mid-way. If your blender can't quite handle raw carrots, use a 1/2 to 1 cup carrot juice (depending on whether you're trying to be sneaky or parading your carrot-love in plain site) and ease up on the water. I use both fresh and frozen fruit in my smoothies - if you use all fresh, you'll want to add some ice to make it nice and cold. I'm not much for measuring these things, so just adjust for your family's tastes - if they prefer strawberries to mango, adjust the levels accordingly. I also mix the baby's probiotics right in (shhh!). My kids slurp this up - hope yours do, too. Do you have a favorite smoothie recipe? I'm always looking for a new candidate for the rotation. xo

carrot mango smoothie : all aflutter

Carrot Mango Smoothie
2-3 handfuls of baby carrots or 1 giant regular carrot, roughly chopped
1 banana
2 handfuls of mango
1 big handful of strawberries
1 to 1 1/2 cups water
blend well + serve with a kiss on the head