just like that
We've been talking + drawing + measuring + planning + remeasuring + redrawing for months. Then just like that, once you say "go," the change is super quick + so dramatic. Of course, there are still miles to go, but it's incredibly gratifying to see concrete progress and know instantly that you made the right choice. The house feels so good.
The root of most of our issues with the layout of the house can be blamed on this thing...
This monolith was on the chopping block from the second we walked into the house. It's blocking the flow, the light + probably the chi or something. It's certainly easy enough to knock over. BUT, this little gem housed the only pantry and coat/utility closet. Ugh. So the bulk of our redesign was focused on relocating those two seemingly minor, but very important amenities. We restructured the staircase to make space in the front for a closet + bench seat. It also creates a proper entry so you aren't welcomed into our home by a long, steep staircase that works equally well as a bobsled track. The pantry will be in the awesome addition we're putting on the kitchen. Problem solved. The demolition of the "thing" and restructuring of the stairs was quick work and so gratifying to see. We were nearly in tears. It's coming along. It's real. We might actually live in "the new house" someday... xo
Without the "thing," the space is wide open. Just the way we like it.
Monday \ Wednesday \ Friday. Just like that.