A SWEET FRIEND wrote me the kindest thank you note the other day that said ‘I think what makes you such a good giver of gifts is that you listen, you pay attention and you remember. Those three things also make you a gift.’ AAAAW! It is such a heartfelt and thoughtful message and perfectly illustrates my true purpose with All Aflutter. I get a bit embarrassed and super awkward when people ask me ‘what I do’ or what I’ve been up to. Telling them I’m a ’blogger’ or that I write about gift-giving and shopping feels frivolous and doesn’t at all speak to what’s in my heart. What I’d like to say is that I inspire people to show up with intention for their friends and family, spreading love and making them feel extra special.
GIFTING IS for sure my love language, it’s the way I best know how to express my appreciation and support for my special people, and it ultimately has nothing to do with ‘stuff.’ It’s really about showing up for your people, whether happy or sad [or just because], young or old, bestie or neighbor, extravagant or from your kitchen [food is def love language #2 for me]. When you bring someone a truly thoughtful present or give them the gift of special time and attention, it lets them know that you care and were inspired to take action to show it; it’s a signal that you’re listening and paying attention.
SO WHILE it’s true that I have a sincere and deep passion for the super creative, beautiful and awesome stuff that people make and I can’t wait to keep introducing you to some of those Things I Love in the world, my real purpose is to inspire you to connect with your special people with thought and intention; to encourage YOU to listen, pay attention and remember. xo
CHECK OUT… gift guides